Trusted Worldwide

Our believers in the principles of Consideration have included

Kenco Logistics

Employee feedback on all aspects of running this national logistics company. Linking to Lean and Design thinking teams.


"Your 2 cents"  is all about Employee input and increasing engagement; Ideas on any subject are welcome and also specific topics of interest and concern.


Ideas to make the company smarter, better, more customer drive. Development of the Intrapreneur spirit.

North Ayrshire Council

Customer services used Consideration Campaigns to focus on Continuous Improvement ideas and step by step innovation.

Dublin City Council

Staff Ideas Scheme. A successful aspect of the Staff Ideas Scheme has been providing good feedback to all participants regardless of whether they had been shortlisted or not.

Scottish Parliament

The worlds first Interactive Parliament back in 2002. We provided citizen idea discussion forums and their management, complementing video. We had discussion with Presidents and Prime Ministers; talking with crowds… walking with Kings… not losing the common touch

CMS Legal

The 6th biggest law group in the world. (UK, France, Germany) - Consideration Campaigns were run on topics of concern to the Law profession, for example , Litigation, commercial and civil law.

Yves Rocher

The emphasis was on sustainable development and ethical and responsible company management. Waste reduction but also ethical issues of equality and inclusion.

Glasgow City Council

21,000 employees using Consideration in relation to Lean Six Sigma methodology to enable Transformation, while increasing employee engagement an employee driven innovation.


Setup of their feedback campaigns. Ideas, ideas, ideas, to make this organisation masterful.

Durham City Council

Running workforce campaigns maximise inputs to Transformation and waste reduction programmes.

D&G Council

This is where you can share an idea, an experience or an innovative suggestion and it allows you to engage with colleagues across the Council.

Treasury Dept, Western Australia Government

An ideas Hub is a hearing aid for managers and a microphone for employees. Everyone involved!

Dublin Eye & Ear Hospital

Clinical and Administrative staff engage with each other, with patients, with the local community.