In Construction, Engineering and in the Factory, problems related to safety, waste, Net Zero and productivity are addressed with the Consideration App which enables workers to easily share the problem and explain & justify the solution.

Employees know 80% of the answers to ESG related Problems


In this time, being aware of nature matters for businesses. Teaching your team about the company's mark on the world is necessary. It's more than doing what's right. It's about making smart choices. It means being efficient with energy, reducing waste, limiting pollution, and fighting climate change. It means every worker makes a difference. It's more than looking good as a brand; it's about real change and standing as a leader in a world needing better.

With everyone's efforts, the good can spread – in energy, waste management, and beyond.


Talking with your team about the company's relationships is vital. It's about more than duty; it's smart business. How you treat people, work standards, safety, and being fair matters. It defines the business. Through honest talks, you bring everyone together. This unity makes for a company that understands its place in a world where actions mean everything.


Open talks about how the company runs builds trust. Ethics, who leads, and how decisions are made shape the business. By letting your team be part of these talks, you give them a voice. Their thoughts matter. This teamwork makes the company better and shows it stands for something true to everyone.

Potential ESG Challenges and considerations
for construction include:


  • Material selection – use of components that are produced using less energy

  • Water consumption – both during construction, as well as over the life cycle of the building

  • Construction methods – less carbon-intensive and more environmentally-efficient

  • Waste management – reducing and reusing

  • Future proofing design – anticipating future climate change and constructing a climate-resilient built environment

S - Social

  • Community impact – transportation (public/private) 

  • Accessibility – economic, and in consideration of impairment/disability


  • Procurement (including supply chain management)

  • Stakeholder engagement