Safety is the fundamental building block to creating a high performing, sustainable manufacturing operating system.

When people aren’t worried about getting hurt, they’re free to think about other parts of their jobs.

They can think about improving quality, or how to improve machine performance. In many instances, when you eliminate minor machine stops and breakdowns, you improve safety —  which also improves efficiency.

The existence of a connection between safety and quality leads to measurable productivity improvements and a direct impact on your bottom line. It also leads to improved morale and increased productivity. 

The safety of the workforce should be the first concern for any CEO. Companies that aspire to be World-Class must have safety as a core value. Safety and health are personal to every human being and can have a profound impact on their motivation and morale. 

With Consideration, continuous Improvement is created by your employees for your employees.

Employee engagement with Consideration will transform your improvement culture by establishing trust from the ground up.