Management Roles
There are different user roles within the Consideration platform. These are:
Users / Participants – these are the employees who will contribute their ideas, give their votes and make comments. They will show their support for good ideas and also help by submitting comments too. They login from the user-view.
Key features that the Users can do
1. Submit ideas
2. Vote up and down ideas
3. Make comments on existing ideas
4. Follow their favourite ideas
5. Search ideas
Administrator – this is the main account. They can create moderators and have overall control of the whole platform. Administrators can choose to give Moderators (see below) full control and access rights if they wish. Admins login from the admin view.
Key features that the Administrators can do
1. Populate the welcome texts
2. Change the top banner
3. Create challenges
4. Create Moderator accounts
5. Manage participants
6. Select moderation settings
7. Reset passwords of users and moderator accounts
8. Set email templates and auto-responders
Moderators – they are responsible for managing the Consideration ideas and feedback. They can be assigned to specific challenges (and ideas!). They can be given full control or limited to certain parts of the admin. Moderators can assign statuses to ideas and give official feedback comments. Moderators login from the admin view.
Key features that the Moderators can do
1. Assign statuses and official comments to ideas
2. Manage participants
3. Run reports
4. Manage challenges