It has been proven that D&I initiatives are far more effective when instituted from the top down.

Inclusion @Lloyds research showed that more than half (53%) of their respondents now had formal D&I initiatives in place compared to 35% last year. There has also been an increase in formal governance structures put in place to help drive these initiatives and secure positive results. While it is encouraging to this number rising, and resulting progress, there is still a way to go before long-term objectives for parity across gender, race, and sexuality, are fulfilled.

Consideration helps bring hidden solutions and innovation to the surface; a diversity of ideas, a diversity of talent.

Greg Collins is CEO of our client Miller Insurance and a Sponsor of DiveIn. When it comes to the rationale of Idea Management, here's the perfect description:

“Your employees are the ears and eyes of your business. Engage with them to learn what you’re doing right, what you could be doing better and what they value from an employer. Unconscious bias towards recruiting or promoting remains a challenge to diversity and in order to have an inclusive workplace, you need an aware workforce.”

Lloyds lead the way in Diversity & Inclusion: Views from the top.