Share ideas that
re-imagine Work,
Wellbeing and Life

Smart organisations innovate with Consideration - the idea management software that takes explanation to the next level!

“By implementing ideas that remove non-value activity from 35 peoples’ work processes, we saved £875,000 ($1,255,988) over 8 months. The value the platform returns is unmatched”

— Local Authority, UK

“We had Consideration up and running within 2 weeks of the selection meeting. A week later we had 67 new ideas; 115 in the first month! Fantastic results and climbing…”

— Insurance, UK

“Love it! Those customizable questions that can create conversations. And I like how you are educating the submitter along the way. A unique approach that we’ve bought into!

— Logistics, USA


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Embraced from
Frontline to Boardroom

Consideration builds the skills of all layers of management to create a sustainable climate in which innovation thrives. Managers, enabled by our unique process, become Innovation Coaches, skilled in asking the right questions.

Autonomy, Inclusion and
Purpose Uppermost

Simple, easy-to-use processes to maximize Commitment enabling everyone to contribute at a level they feel confident with. Helping ordinary employees describe their extra-ordinary ideas is exactly how you bring talent to the surface!

Mass Innovation in a Stakeholder Economy

The Consideration Economy is the new normal. Continuous Innovation is now a global market. Our prices reflect our mass market appeal: an ideas and Innovation Management System you can tailor to your exact needs.

A better way to explain and persuade

The consideration platform enables everyone to describe their solutions in terms of the needs, causes and desired outcomes that everyone agrees must be met. Understanding of others' needs and circumstances is critical to successful Change.

Clear explanation becomes a priority because an idea can turn to dust or magic depending on how well it is described!

  • People take pride in clear explanation

  • Desired outcomes are agreed faster

  • Managers appreciate receiving solutions

  • Ideas with impact are prioritized

  • Subject classification and automated routing